Så var det då äntligen dags för entré denna festliga Rodeolördag!
I förtältet fanns det massor av fint, kul allt med westerntema....
Ojojojojojoj vad mycket som ville följa med hem!
Så var det dags att bänka sig,men först ville alla utom jag,...tror jag ..ha nåt i magen fast eller flytande...inte nåt nyttigt så långt ögat o nosen nådde..
Här kunde man ta ett hippt bullridingfoto!
Skådespelet kan börja!
Å världens äldsta Rodeo...visst...
En ljuvlig kväll med bergen i bakgrunden..
Inte riktigt koll på detta med Frontier day´s men det du såg sist på bloggen..var därifrån...detta...evenemang..
Körstin kan kanske ge en närmare förklaring, min trogna svenska läsare, boende i Sedona på Semester i kalla Sverige ;O)
Det hela inleddes med en ryttare ledande en häst med en brandhjälm o firefighter kläder....o en sång o en tyst minut med en bön till alla drabbade...
Sen började paraden o alla deltagare kom in i sina tjusiga outfits...
Det var roping, o teamroping...dvs en man jagar en kalv, kastar lasso om halsen, fångar...helst...hoppar själv av som en graciös gräshoppa, tar tag i flanken på kalven o dunsar ner den på marken, har med ett kort lassorep som alla 4 kalvspretande ben ska surras med...medans hästen ser till att hålla lassot om kalvens hals sträckt hela tiden...den snabbigaste klarade allt detta på 8.5 sekund....från kalven var utsläppt ur sin bur, tills den låg där...som en död firre med alla benen ihopmokade som plockepinn o fattade nada...vad hände???
Teamroaping då är de 2 ryttare mot en kalv, en fångar dess huvud o den andre drar iväg en loop som på nåt mysko vis kilar in under magen o fångar ett eller 2 bakben...flopp...fast!
Här var det hästtämjning på gång, den inte ont anande unga kusen ska nu på ingen tid få på sadel o ryttare utan tyglar...o sen bär det av....o behöver men inte gå till både chiropraktor o naprapat efter den ridturen....så har man måååånga änglar som stoppar massa bomull under rumpan i den sadeln!
Ridstilarna varierade en hel del...
Å fort gick det!
JO, som sagt ridstilarna...var....olika
På alla rodeos finns det en rodeoclown o denna kallades Wolfie!!!!!
Han ser till att publiken aldrig fryser, har tråkigt eller slumrar till...o hjälper till när bullriders fallit av...retas med tjuren så ryttaren hinner sätta sig i säkerhet...o blir ibland runtrullad i en tunna av tjuren till publikens vilda förtjusning...
Mitt i allt kom ett superstiligt ekipage in..vagn dragen av 4 (över ett ton tunga var) Shirehästar...shittabritta vilken koll han hade kusken.
Han kunde stå helt still med alla hästar o få de 4 att vrida vagnens 2 framhjul i 90 graders vinkel åt båda håll utan att resten av vagnen rörde sig...helt galet!
Sista helt spektakulösa uppvisningen, (efter bullridingen på alla grodstudsande tjurar...man måste sitta kvar i 8 sekunder minst...o tjuren hinner bocka säkert 15 gånger minst på den tiden...ser d ut som i alla fall...sen åker de i backen som en överkokt morot) kanske du redan sett på min sida....om inte kolla på filmen fr den 7 juli...2 ryttare, en häst en mula o 2 bufflar....det var det mest galna o fantastiska jag sett på länge!
Jopp, grannen fortsätter att förse oss med zuccini...så det blev en gryta o Joanne fixade en kaka...
MMM nyttig o goood...känner du doften av rotfrukter, grillade tomater o örtkryddor?
Lite snabb spindelkunskap....denna är ruskigt lik en brown racluse men den har för tjocka o håriga ben o kallas då woodspider o är inte lika giftig...så du vet.. ;O)
2 mycket rara Danskar va inne i affären o shoppade loss på lite av varje....vi fick en rolig pratkvart!
Vad gillar du detta konstverket?
Idag har Trishs "bästigaste bilmekare" visat mig till en verkstad som hjälpte min bil att sluta hosta o hoppa....
Så nu spinner trucken som en katt igen! Såå glad!
Våga älska nu! Din gåva är att älska fullt ut!
Här handlar det om att våga starta en relation - med andra ord, håll inte kärleken på avstånd!
Hrm, vad ska jag tro om det...o sen kom detta "tarotkortet" i veckans email:
Wishes Do Come True
Hi Wolfie.
Hi Wolfie.
I found my soul-mate – wishes do come true!
The “Ten of Cups” is connected to the zodiac water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Water signs lead and rule with their heart and represent love and emotions.
There is a couple standing in front of the pillars which represent (the past and the future) with a triangle pointing upwards to the heavens which represents the couple’s sacred geometry of protection, their personal Merkaba or Lotus Flower.
The pictures shown in the triangle above the couple represent a snap shot of the married couple’s life together. They went through good and bad times, but they weathered the storms together and worked through them. They are still together, happy and content with what they have accomplished.
The “Ten of Cups” is numerated ten which represents success of one’s cycle and destiny. One has gained more than they ever thought. Fate and destiny has been kind and there is a feeling of peace, happiness, completion, success, companionship, family, and a happy contented lifestyle.
The “Ten of Cups” represents a long lasting relationship that has successfully grown and developed. They worked through everything and are still together, happy and content with what they have accomplished. They started off with the “Ace of Cups” and are now at the completion stage of the “Ten of Cups” suggesting they went through a lot of effort to build the solid relationship, they have now.
The body of water that is shown in this card suggests the waters are smooth and flowing, which represents the married couple is not working against each other, they are working together as best friends, and a team.
The sky is blue and represents thought and emotion. Ten golden cups are standing in front of the couple and represent a treasure and connect to fire (representing their passions), water (representing their emotions). The golden cups also represent the “Suit of Cups” and the symbol of love and emotions that are overflowing. There are ten empty golden cups which (represent wishes that have come true)!
Wishes come true represent the pot of gold, at the end of the rainbow. If you really think about the presence of a rainbow, they usually appear after a rainstorm, suggesting the couple has weathered some difficult times, but they found closure and worked everything out.
Rainbows represent the light at the end of the tunnel and the optimism the couple has to work as a team. The rainbow is a sign of good luck representing a colorful bridge of blue (the man) and pink (the woman) and the balance and respect for each other as man and wife.
The reversed meaning of the “Ten of Cups” represents that there is a turn for the worse and you are disappointed and unhappy with your relationship. Everything is not going well and falling apart at the seams.
There is a couple standing in front of the pillars which represent (the past and the future) with a triangle pointing upwards to the heavens which represents the couple’s sacred geometry of protection, their personal Merkaba or Lotus Flower.
The pictures shown in the triangle above the couple represent a snap shot of the married couple’s life together. They went through good and bad times, but they weathered the storms together and worked through them. They are still together, happy and content with what they have accomplished.
The “Ten of Cups” is numerated ten which represents success of one’s cycle and destiny. One has gained more than they ever thought. Fate and destiny has been kind and there is a feeling of peace, happiness, completion, success, companionship, family, and a happy contented lifestyle.
The “Ten of Cups” represents a long lasting relationship that has successfully grown and developed. They worked through everything and are still together, happy and content with what they have accomplished. They started off with the “Ace of Cups” and are now at the completion stage of the “Ten of Cups” suggesting they went through a lot of effort to build the solid relationship, they have now.
The body of water that is shown in this card suggests the waters are smooth and flowing, which represents the married couple is not working against each other, they are working together as best friends, and a team.
The sky is blue and represents thought and emotion. Ten golden cups are standing in front of the couple and represent a treasure and connect to fire (representing their passions), water (representing their emotions). The golden cups also represent the “Suit of Cups” and the symbol of love and emotions that are overflowing. There are ten empty golden cups which (represent wishes that have come true)!
Wishes come true represent the pot of gold, at the end of the rainbow. If you really think about the presence of a rainbow, they usually appear after a rainstorm, suggesting the couple has weathered some difficult times, but they found closure and worked everything out.
Rainbows represent the light at the end of the tunnel and the optimism the couple has to work as a team. The rainbow is a sign of good luck representing a colorful bridge of blue (the man) and pink (the woman) and the balance and respect for each other as man and wife.
The reversed meaning of the “Ten of Cups” represents that there is a turn for the worse and you are disappointed and unhappy with your relationship. Everything is not going well and falling apart at the seams.
Idag är jag tacksam över att min bil funkar bra igen,att de 47 graderna dagtid är tillbaks...över alla uppmuntrande meddelanden...som jag hoppas leder fram till nåt mycket bra o spännande! ;O)
Wolfies tips: Le mot dig själv i spegelen varje gång du passerar en o se hur vacker du är! Puss
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